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This site contains information on the Barents Cross-Border University (BCBU).
You can also enter the related Master's programs' web pages in here. 

BCBU News and events

The second joint Summer School 2014 “Multidisciplinary Dialogue” will be arranged on 25.-29.8.2014 in Kuopio, Finland. Read more...

BCBU flyer and poster - updated versions are now available in pdf-format. Get here the poster and the flyer.

First joint Summer School 2012 “Multidisciplinary Dialogue” was arranged on 27.-31.8.2012 in Rovaniemi. Read more...

Funding for development of BCBU: BCBU development project BCBU+ is funded by the Kolarctic ENPI CBC programme for years 2011 – 2013. Read more...

BCBU Rectors meeting and working group meetings were held on March 2012 in Rovaniemi, Finland.  See the program with links to the presentations. 

Cross-border activities in Facebook:

  • Barents Cross Border University BCBU Network

  • Finnish-Russian Cross Border University CBU   

BCBU Master’s Programs

The Master's programs within BCBU are closely connected, independent entities, which cooperate with each other in preparing, and implementing courses and programs.

  • International Master's Degree Programme BEE, coordinator: University of Oulu; BEE in Facebook 

  • Master's Degree Programme in Comparative Social Work CSW, coordinator: University of Lapland; CSW in Facebook

  • Health and Wellbeing in Circumpolar Area MCH, coordinator: University of Oulu; MCH in Facebook: open group and 

  • Software, Systems and Services Development in the Global Environment GS3D, coordinator: University of Oulu

  • Master’s Degree Program in International and Comparative Law MICLaw, coordinator: University of Lapland

Graduated in the BCBU Master's Degree Program: Elena Nichols in Social Work on 2012. Read her story at the UArctic web page.

Barents Cross-Border University BCBU


Barents Cross-Border University project (BCBU) started from the cooperation between universities in Northern Finland and Northwest Russia. The cooperation has expanded and today there are partners from the whole Barents Region and even wider. The cooperation has a starting point in mutual interests of the partner universities as well as in principles and aims of the partnership programs and the EU's Northern Dimension policy.

The main aim has been to develop international multidisciplinary joint Master’s programs. The programs follow the principles of the Bologna process and the teaching will be in English. Later the cooperation will also cover doctoral education in the same fields.

The built-up of the Barents Cross Border University concept started in fall 2005, and the first joint rector meeting was held in January 2006 (Memorandum of Understanding in Archive). The main aim is to establish several joint master's programs leading on to double degrees (in e.g. the fields of comparative social work, environmental engineering, information systems, circumpolar health and well-being, and law).

Important files with presentations in seminars, different guidelines and standards, proposals, and downloadable BCBU leaflet and logos are placed in Archive.

Activities in the project are presented in the Bulletins

Next seminars and meetings

  • Next Rector Meeting will be on 2014. 

Key Milestones in BCBU

Note: Links to additional material are located in the programs


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For problems or stions regarding this web contact [riitta.kamula(at)oulu.fi].
Last updated: 04/24/14.