Rector Meeting and Working Group Meetings
March 13-14, 2012

University of Lapland, Finland



See the invitation.

Tuesday, March 13

Meeting of the Rectors

Time: March 13, 2012, 9:00 – 16:00
Place: Rovaniemi, University of Lapland

  1. Short greetings of the hosting universities: Rector Mauri Ylä-Kotola and Rector Lauri Lajunen
  2. Opening the meeting; Chair of the meeting Rector Mauri Ylä-Kotola
  3. Accepting the agenda of the meeting
  4. Minutes of the previous meeting of Rectors organized in Oulu, February 24, 2011 (appendix 1)
    • Final acceptance of the partners 
  5. Greetings from the BCBU Vice-Rector meeting, held in Arkahangelsk in Nov 2011
    • Short resume of the main themes, proposals and decisions of the meeting: Marina Kalinina, Vice-Rector for International Co-operation, Chair of the Vice-Rectors´ meeting in Arkhangelsk, Northern (Arctic) Federal University
  6. Internal evaluation of the BCBU -cooperation – results and discussions: Jani Suokanerva (pdf, 150 kb)
  7. Contractual arrangements (appendix 2)
  8. Marketing, visibility of the BCBU master´s programmes
  9. Extent of commitment of the partner universities at the moment and in the future; possibilities, challenges; next steps in the development of the co-operation towards double/joint degree

    Short address:

    • MSHU, Rector Andrey Sergeev

    • KSPA, Rector Sergey Grippa (pdf, 800 kb)

    • NSMU, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Alexander Vyazmin (pdf, 1,5 Mb)

    • NArFU, Vice-Rector of International Cooperation Marina Kalinina

    • PetrSU, Vice-Rector for Education, Vladimir Syunev

    • MSTU, Head of International Cooperation Department Natalia Anikeeva (pdf, 250 kb)

    • NUC, Rector Arne Erik Holdø (pdf, 5,2 Mb)

  10.  Internal and external cooperation (cooperation between Russian partner universities; between Finnish partner universities; cooperation with UArctic and other Nordic and international partners)
    • Address by President of the UArctic Lars Kullerud
  11. Financing of the BCBU –cooperation and individual master´s programmes (current situation at the
    partner universities; ENPI; possible Russian, Finnish, Nordic, European or international funding sources)
    • ENPI project – short report of the current situation of the project: Coordinator Sari Martikainen,  (pdf, 1,20 Mb)
    • Travel grants for students of the BCBU partner universities offered by University of Oulu and University of Lapland
  12. Other issues
  13. Time and place of the next BCBU Rectors´ meeting
  14.  Closing the meeting

Tuesday, March 13

Joint Steering group meeting - Master's Progrmmes in Comparative Social Work and Environmental Engineering



Wednesday, March 14

Joint meeting of the Rectors and members of the working groups

Activity reports the BCBU Master's Programs

Questions, discussions, next steps, conclusions

Closing of the meeting





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Last updated: 04/24/14.