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Timetable for the planning and implementing of Master's programs (preliminary)
January 2006  
Agreement on mutual understanding
20. -
Rector Meeting in Rovaniemi, Finland
Spring 2006
Seminars to introduce the concept :
14.3. - Seminar in Murmansk
03.-04.4. - Seminar in Petrozavodsk
  19.-20.5.  - Seminar
in Arkangelsk
   02.-03.6. - Planning meeting on Master's program on Environmental Engineering 
Fall 2006

6.- 7.11. - Meeting in Petrozavodsk: Vice Rector meeting with
               Joint meetings of the planning groups of the master's programs



Spring 2007

BCBU Seminar in Oulu 22.-23.3.2007. Program

  • Program curricula design ( Academic coordinators)

  • First piloting courses (Responsibility: academic coordinators)

  • Detailed agreements (Responsibility: Finnish-Russian BCBU administration group)

Fall 2007
BCBU Seminar in Murmansk 20.-21.11.2007. Program



Spring 2008
  • BCBU Seminar in Rovaniemi in March
  • Call for MCH program

End of 2008

Programs are ready for approval in each participating university of the individual program


Beginning of 2009

Call for admission and student selection (Environmental Engineering BEE and Comparative Social Work CSW)


Master's Program on Circumpolar Health and Wellbeing MCH starts


End of 2009

The programs on Environmental Engineering BEE and Comparative Social Work CSW) start

BCBU Vice Rector meeting in Petrodavodsk (program)

Beginning of 2010

Call for admission and student selection for the programs


Rector Meeting in Rovaniemi, Finland on March


September 2010

The program on ICT starts

February 2011

BCBU Rector Meeting and Workgroup meetings in Oulu

November 2011

BCBU Vice Rector Meeting and Workgroup meetings in Arkhangelsk



  Timetable for Meetings and Seminars

January 2006 Rector Meeting in Rovaniemi

March 2006 Seminar in Murmansk

April 2006 Seminar in Petrozavodsk

May 2006 Seminar in Arkangelsk

June 2006 Planning Meeting/Master's Program on Environmental Engineering

June 2006 Vice rector Meeting in Murmansk

November 2006 Joint meetings of the planning groups of the master's programs in Petrozavodsk

March 2007 Rector Meeting in Oulu

November 2007 Joint meeting in Murmansk

March 2008 Rector Meeting in Rovaniemi

October 2008 Rector Meeting in Archangel

February 2009 Rector Meeting in Oulu

Fall 2009 Vice Rector Meeting in Petrodsavodsk

March 2010 Rector Meeting in Rovaniemi with a seminar and working group meetings

February 2011 Rector Meeting and Workgroup meetings in Oulu

November 2011 Vice Rector Meeting in Arkhangelsk


This page contains a list of scheduled project events, and key milestones



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Last updated: 04/24/14.