Cross Border University,
Chair Rector Ylä-Kotola/Rector Lajunen |
Opening words Rector Ylä-Kotola and Rector Lajunen | |
Short situation
reports on the BCBU Master’s
Possible new master’s programs Master’s Programme in Law; others |
The role/status of partner universities in the BCBU and in implementation of the Master’s programs | |
University of the Arctic Outi Snellman, Vice-President, Administration, UArctic
Funding possibilities
(pdf, 510 kb)
Marketing possibilities
of the BCBU Master’s programmes (pdf,
170 kb)
Agreements: possible up-date of the general framework agreement (see Leena Lehtinen’s presentation in Arkhangelsk in Oct 2008, pdf 1,7 Mb) |
Development plans of BCBU
Other issues introduced by the Rectors | |
Conclusions and closing |
See also the Minutes and Bulletin 5